Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's it gonna be?

When i left the house with my bike to go to the trainstation, I saw the parcel service ringing my doorbell. Luckily my dad answered the door. So it's a surprise what it will be when I come home tonight.

It can be the one or the other. In other words, my camera or my dress. It almost feels like Sinterklaas. For you non dutchies out there, here you will find an explanation about Sinterklaas About Sinterklaas

Monday, August 29, 2011

New school year, new agenda

And we're off, well almost then. Tomorrow a new year of school will start.Time for year number three. It goes fast. Still remember the first day of my first year.
There is always one thing that comes back every school year, indeed a agenda. I'm always in search for a nice and not very common one. I found one and I must say, this one is totally me. \o/

new drawings every month

stickersheets in front and back

It also has a nice bookmark

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Essence 50's girls reloaded

Essence has made a really cool limited edition line named 50's girls reloaded. the line includes: a face powder, eyeshadow, nailpolish, lipstick, eyeshadowbrush and eyepencils.

When I went to the drugstore, there was not much left so i took what i could take :)
This is what i bought:

Two gorgeous nailpolishes

you're a heartbreaker

love me tender

a really lovely lipstick named: back to the 50’s

eyeshadow with a really good pigment and nice colors. It's a duo eyeshadow with a mirror in the box

you’re a heartbreaker

I also bought the translucent powder as you can see in the first picture.